Art House Sketch Book Project Finally Done!

For those that don't know about Art House SketchBook Library project here is some info:
Sketchbooks offers a glimpse into an artist's life, which is why we want to make a publicly accessible library of sketchbooks that people can browse, peruse, and check out. We think that this sketchbook collection has the potential to open a new line of communication between the artist and the viewer, since the experience of making and viewing are both so personal. Anyone can sign up to receive a sketchbook. Before joining our permanent collection, sketchbooks will be exhibited at select galleries across the US.
Project Goal
The library will house thousands of sketchbooks from artists that reside all over the globe. We'll be touring around the United States with the collection starting in April, followed by a permanent location for the library in 2010. 
A Permanent Collection
Your sketchbook will become part of our permanent library. Sign up receive a blank sketchbook marked with a barcode that links it to a searchable database. When you send your completed book back to us, it will be included in the library. Future library patrons will be able to browse books alphabetically, by location, and theme.
So I got in on this and now I'm finished! Below are some images from my book. Enjoy! When the project goes on tour to different cities, I will keep you posted as to which ones!


Jenna McGivney said…

I too was in the sketchbook project! I was about to post some of the pictures from my recently sent in book, and was wondering how many others were too, so I typed it in a search engine. Your collages are really great and daring! I found myself very troubled by my theme. It was "my life in a yellow submarine" and the thinness of the moleskin pages was such a hassle, not to mention the fact that I am very messy when it comes to creativity.

Anyway, good luck! What you're doing is great, and I am going to follow your blog if it's okay.

What was your theme, btw?


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