BareWalls 2005 was better than I expected, it was fun actually. Enjoy the pictures :)
Anonymous said…
If you want to see more of Joe's paintings, go to And Joe does not hate puppies, Jeff is just jealous of my sideways talents.
Anonymous said…
Wow! Are you into yourself or what!
Speaking of no talent, what a shame that your high school art teacher and your parents were not able to see the destructive, twisted and dark side of your expression through waisted canvas!
Art school, you should have considered pottery 101, it might have produced more favorable results!
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
Boy are you into yourself or what!
Can't believe your high school art teacher and your parents could'nt see the twisted, destructive and dark side of your "Gift" before waisting the art school tuition!
Speaking of no talent, what a shame that your high school art teacher and your parents were not able to see the destructive, twisted and dark side of your expression through waisted canvas!
Art school, you should have considered pottery 101, it might have produced more favorable results!
Can't believe your high school art teacher and your parents could'nt see the twisted, destructive and dark side of your "Gift" before waisting the art school tuition!
You have considered pottery 101 as a major!