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July 2024 Unicorn Of The Month: Andy Cunningham

Years ago I listened to a talk between curator Helen Molesworth and artist Kerry James Marshal shortly after the premier of his "Mastry" retrospective at MOCA LA. The conversation between these two titans  really stuck with me, particularly when the subject turned to legacy. In KJM's opinion, and I happen to agree with him, an artist that truly makes an impact, finds a niche/solves a problem that ONLY their work solves and or fits into. That problem is solved in such a large, glaring fashion, that it's obvious to EVERYONE, and not just a handful of influential people. He then goes one step further; once the problem is solved, everyone is in agreement that this person solved it, and that period of time can no longer be discussed WITHOUT  mentioning that person.  The Baroque= Caravaggio. Pop Art= Warhol. 1980s Neo Expressionism=Basquiat Modernism= Georgia O’Keeffe You get the picture. Andy  is onto something. He's walking that line between sculpture, painting, and

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